Monday, November 29, 2010

Still Can Feel You Kiss Me, Love

I keep replaying it over in my head, wondering if I made the right decision. There's this girl in my class, whos silently amazing, honestly one of the most internall beautiful people I've ever met, I asked her anonymously if she thought we could have any grasp on love. She claims that what we feel isn't really love, even though it's exciting. I kind of have to agree, that love is a daily commitment to someone, and I know, as much as I care about him, that I don't love him. I still empty though, like I let him down or let myself down for not letting myself be open to it. Whatever it is. But I think at this point in my life, I'm still young, forming my views about the world, and I still want to believe it's a good place so that I can start my future with optimism, and that's alot easier to do when I'm not devastated or have left part of myself here in California. I know it may hurt know, but I truly believe it was the right decision. I hope this decision doesn't make me cold to love; I understand that I need to protect myself now, but I have to promise myself that in the future, I will let myself fall in love.

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