Wednesday, November 17, 2010


And maybe someday
We'll figure all this out
Try to put an end to all our doubt
Try to find a way to make things better now and
Maybe someday we'll live our lives out loud
We'll be better off somehow

Photo credit yyllee07 deviantart
 oh Rob Thomas, its like youre looking into my soul when you sing these words. I hate this feeling of uncertainty in my heart. At times I feel as if I've lost the motivation to try, like everything I do is just enough to get by. I miss the days were I was amazing. I suppose I'm just burned out, high school is ending soon, but I mean this is the last leg of the race, I should be kicking it into high gear. Today I closed the garage door on my mom's car. Simple mistake, but I actually did the same thing last night and a few months ago. I know it's not a big deal, but its making me realize that I've become careless. I am like...Hamlet. I mean, I don't live in a society of manipulative bitches, and I don't have to murder my uncle, but I guess I think too much and I am kind of self-loathing arent I? I just have to find away to retain some self-worth and try not to screw up so much.

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