Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Be somebody

         I should be happy, but I'm not. I dont know if its just today, because of that math test. I did so poorly. I was ashamed. But I've always known that I'm not good at math, so i don't think its that. Everyday I come home feeling so defeated, unworthy and like I will amount to nothing. Usually us IB kids just joke about not getting into college anywhere, but I really feel nervous that I won't get in, like anywhere. The essays our english teacher readss us, are so thoughtful and creative. One girl, who ended up going to MIT, wrote a silly essay about how awesome her hands were. another wrote from the perspective of the girl's favorite pair of sandals, and one guy wrote about facing his alter ego in a western style stand off. Who comes up with these things? How can the people who took the risk of being silly, get into to such amazing schools. Granted they have excellent test scores and recs, but cmon, alot of people have that. I have that, but I know that I don;t dazzle off the page. Listening to those essays makes me feel like I don't have any kind of personality, that I am simply a dull and dreary plain jane. All those glitter girls theyre all the same, trying to be somebody
Am I? I didn;t used to think that I was. I mean i know I'm nothing special, but I wouldn;t say that I'm boring. I am boring. Why didn't anyone tell me I was boring? I have alot of good aquaitences at school, but i dont go out on weekends, if you think about it, i literally have no regonizable talents or hobbies. I seriously don't. What do I do with my life? If I don't invent a personality soon, i won't just not get into college, i wont get anywhere in life.
I can hear that voice inside my head, only its not telling me who I am, its telling me to Be Somebody.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

She's on Fire

As I listen to the beautiful words of Pat Monahan, I can only pray that someone will be able to see me in that way. The way where they just think, damn, she's incredible. I feel like I've always been that plain jane girl. Everyone tells me that I'm super nice, and I guess they just assume I'm smart because in quiet. I'm friends with alot of people, guys and girls. About two years ago, the guy I liked picked my best friend over me. Pathetic, I know, but I don't want to be just the friend. Or the nice girl. I want people to know my name. And have that mean something.